Wednesday, December 5, 2007

How to Lie with Statistics - The Truth About Research

I challenged myself not to respond to criticism that I knew would come from readers that had a neoconservative point of view. However, I realized it was important to address a common criticism of a book like mine.
Those who read with a closed mind will challenge the book by saying I never cited resources regarding research. In other words, I made it up. I want to reassure readers that I spent 14 months of my life researching the stories, interviewing hundreds of people for first hand accounts, and combed Federal Government Databases to support my book.
It is funny how many times people like Bill O'Reilley, Ann Coulter, and Sean Hannity can mislead the truth without their fans becoming angry. It has been documented time and time again, yet people do not challenge this common reality.
I felt it was important to demonstrate to people that statistical data can be used to mislead people. I strongly believe that the ruling elite's challenge of data is based on their own knowledge that truth is not far from fiction. Think about the passage in my book that challenges statistical data regarding the shape of our economy. What is a more accurate data for how well your community doing. Which statistic is more accurate, unemployment statistics or school free and reduced lunch rates. I argue that school data is a more accurate picture. I give the example in my area of 5% unemployment yet school districts having 50-60% free and reduced lunch. The data I care about is who needs a hand up, not how many people report their employment.

For this reason, I will be sharing with you statistics and data that really matter. There will also be news articles and additional research that supports key areas of social justice. I openly ask that readers contribute supporting data. Together, we can take the manipulation out of the statistical data that suggests: EVERYTHING IS GREAT.

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